Each year millions in counterfeit money are taken out of circulation, which also avoids damage these could cause to commerce and the respective companies. Counterfeit money testers are used in numerous formats and with diverse technologies in order to counter these problems. Although indispensable, they are often very expensive and require significant space.Stand for Gryphon with clever additional functionsIntegrated counterfeit note detector for bank notes and
Each year millions in counterfeit money are taken out of circulation, which also avoids damage these could cause to commerce and the respective companies. Counterfeit money testers are used in numerous formats and with diverse technologies in order to counter these problems. Although indispensable, they are often very expensive and require significant space.
Stand for Gryphon with clever additional functions
Integrated counterfeit note detector for bank notes and identity cards
UV technology for secure protection against counterfeit money
High cost savings and space-savings due to unneeded additional peripheral devices
Avoid additional costs for peripheral devices and meet space needs efficiently by using Gryphon cradles with integrated counterfeit money detector. These optional devices guarantee not only high performance when working with the scanner, but also prevent counterfeit money from coming into circulation from the outset. Whether checking bank notes, credentials, or ID cards, the luminous LEDS instantly present every relevant UV characteristic. Although counterfeiters are also continuously using better methods, even beginners can use tester to easily and quickly identify counterfeit money.