Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Pocket companion barcode scanners provide an affordable and an easy way to add 1D and 2D barcode scanning technology to tablets mobile computers and smart phone devices and many others, to enable to capture virtually any 1D & 2D barcode data.
Small and portable pocket companion scanners allow your mobile workers to capture barcode data scanning everywhere in a hand-held pocket-sized and compact, go-anywhere device.
Companion barcode scanners for tablets, smart phone and portable mobile devices are affordable pocket-sized 1D and 2D barcode scanning to enable to capture virtually any barcode data, in any condition, in the time it takes to press the trigger.
There are many applications mainly in the retail mobile point-of-sale, Inventory/cycle stock counting, End-to-end track and trace, Route accounting, Merchandising/re-order and many others...
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Mobile Pocket Companion Portable Bluetooth Cordless 1D & 2D Barcode Scanner. The
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPN2006 Bluetooth Memory ScannerThe OPN2006 is an extremely small and lightweight
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPN2001 Pocket Memory ScannerThis small and lightweight device is equipped with a
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPN-6000 companion pocket 1D & 2D Barcode scanner is a very compact battery
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
The OPN-4000i Bluetooth Companion Scanner (CCD Linear Sensor) enables real-time barcode
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPN-3102i is a 2D companion barcode scanner in a compact design. It is lightweight
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
The OPN-3002i Bluetooth Companion 1D and 2D barcode Scanner (2D Imager) enables real-time
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPN-2500 is a compact and versatile barcode scanner equipped with Bluetooth Low
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
USB Companion Pocket Scanner - Fully ProgrammableThe fully programmable OPN-2004 Companion
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9728 Pocket-Sized Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9728 is sealed up to IP 54
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9727 Data Collection TerminalThe Opticon OPL9727 is sealed up to IP 54
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9725 Lightweight Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9725 is sealed up to IP 54
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9724 Bluetooth Data CollectorThe LCD display allows easy readability of as many
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9723 Lightweight Data CollectorThe LCD display allows easy readability of as
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL9712 Bluetooth Pocket-Sized Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9712 is sealed up to
Pocket Companion Barcode Scanners
Opticon OPL2724 Lightweight Barcode ScannerThe use of the Bluetooth wireless communication
Opticon PX-20 Bluetooth Companion Pocket 1D & 2D barcode scanner
Mobile Pocket Companion Portable Bluetooth Cordless 1D & 2D Barcode Scanner. The
Opticon OPN2006 Bluetooth Memory Scanner
Opticon OPN2006 Bluetooth Memory ScannerThe OPN2006 is an extremely small and lightweight
Opticon OPN2001 Pocket Memory Scanner
Opticon OPN2001 Pocket Memory ScannerThis small and lightweight device is equipped with a
Opticon OPN-6000 Pocket Companion 1D & 2D Bluetooth Barcode Scanner
Opticon OPN-6000 companion pocket 1D & 2D Barcode scanner is a very compact battery
Opticon OPN-4000i Bluetooth Companion Scanner (CCD)
The OPN-4000i Bluetooth Companion Scanner (CCD Linear Sensor) enables real-time barcode
Opticon OPN-3102i 1D & 2D Pocket Barcode Scanner
Opticon OPN-3102i is a 2D companion barcode scanner in a compact design. It is lightweight
Opticon OPN-3002i Bluetooth Companion 2D Scanner
The OPN-3002i Bluetooth Companion 1D and 2D barcode Scanner (2D Imager) enables real-time
Opticon OPN-2500 1D Bluetooth Barcode Scanner
Opticon OPN-2500 is a compact and versatile barcode scanner equipped with Bluetooth Low
Opticon OPN-2004
USB Companion Pocket Scanner - Fully ProgrammableThe fully programmable OPN-2004 Companion
Opticon OPL9728 Pocket-Sized Data Collector
Opticon OPL9728 Pocket-Sized Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9728 is sealed up to IP 54
Opticon OPL9727 Data Collection Terminal
Opticon OPL9727 Data Collection TerminalThe Opticon OPL9727 is sealed up to IP 54
Opticon OPL9725 Lightweight Data Collector
Opticon OPL9725 Lightweight Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9725 is sealed up to IP 54
Opticon OPL9724 Bluetooth Data Collector
Opticon OPL9724 Bluetooth Data CollectorThe LCD display allows easy readability of as many
Opticon OPL9723 Lightweight Data Collector
Opticon OPL9723 Lightweight Data CollectorThe LCD display allows easy readability of as
Opticon OPL9712 Bluetooth Pocket-Sized Data Collector
Opticon OPL9712 Bluetooth Pocket-Sized Data CollectorThe Opticon OPL9712 is sealed up to
Opticon OPL2724 Lightweight Barcode Scanner
Opticon OPL2724 Lightweight Barcode ScannerThe use of the Bluetooth wireless communication